National Center for Research in Materials Science (CNRSM)

The CNRSM is a nationally renowned research center specializing in the study and development of innovative materials for various industrial, medical and technological applications. Located at the heart of a scientific and technological ecosystem, the center offers an environment conducive to exploration and discovery in the field of materials.

Facilities :

  • Advanced Research Laboratories: equipped with state-of-the-art technologies for materials characterization, fabrication and manipulation. These laboratories house specialized equipment for nanotechnology, metallurgy, biomaterials, etc.
  • Collaboration Zones: Spaces dedicated to collaboration and the exchange of ideas between researchers, PhD students, industrial partners and materials experts.
  • Technology Platforms: Technology platforms offering state-of-the-art services, such as materials analysis centers, test benches and prototyping areas.

Missions :

  • Innovation and Creativity: Encourage innovation and creativity in the design and manipulation of materials to meet current and future needs.
  • Scientific Contributions: Produce significant contributions to scientific research and specialized literature in the field of materials science.
  • Sustainable Development: Explore sustainable and environmentally friendly material solutions to promote a sustainable future.


- Laboratory access: Use of fully-equipped laboratories for experimentation, testing and materials studies.
- Technological Infrastructure: Access to specialized equipment such as microscopes, characterization machines, and manufacturing tools for research projects.
- Collaboration Spaces: Collaborative work areas, shared offices and discussion spaces to encourage interaction and exchange between researchers and students.
- Documentary resources: Access to scientific publications, specialized journals and documentation on materials and their applications.
- Training and Seminars: Organization of specific training courses, workshops and seminars focusing on the research areas and technologies used at the center.
- Technical Assistance: Technical support and advice on using equipment, planning experiments and handling materials.

Available provisions

superficie 150 m2

Location features

Parking gratuit
Parking gratuit
Accueil visiteurs
Accueil visiteurs

Services to be booked in advance

Ecran de projection
Ecran de projection

Services to be paid on site


Trusted by 20,000 Companies

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🌟 Curious minds thrive on knowledge, we believe in bringing the best minds together to spark innovation and share insights. Our team of seasoned experts is the backbone of our success, and now, you have the chance to meet the brilliant minds shaping our industries.

Dupont Thomas

Our Plan

Our Pricing Packages


  • 24/7 Access
  • Cleaning Service
  • High Speed Wifi/ Internet
  • Opening Hours (8:00 – 22:00)
  • Utilities Included
  • Access to Kitchen Lounge

Virtual Office

  • 24/7 Access
  • Cleaning Service
  • High Speed Wifi/ Internet
  • Opening Hours (8:00 – 22:00)
  • Utilities Included
  • Access to Kitchen Lounge

Dedicated Desk

  • 24/7 Access
  • Cleaning Service
  • High Speed Wifi/ Internet
  • Opening Hours (8:00 – 22:00)
  • Utilities Included
  • Access to Kitchen Lounge

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Events and Trainings

Elevate Your Skills and Networking at CNRSM Events & Trainings!

Insights to help you do what you do better, faster and more profitably. Read Full Blog

Events and Trainings

Elevate Your Skills and Networking at CNRSM Events & Trainings!

Insights to help you do what you do better, faster and more profitably. Read Full Blog